
( 限雪梨自取以及冷凍配送) 和牛半筋半肉牛肉麵 (新版手工麵) GuBaMi Wagyu intercostal and tendon noodle soup 800G

( 限雪梨自取以及冷凍配送) 和牛半筋半肉牛肉麵 (新版手工麵) GuBaMi Wagyu intercostal and tendon noodle soup 800G



Beef intercostal, beef tendon, daikon, carrot, mustard cabbage, shallot, bean paste, chili, ginger, garlic, soy sauce, Chinese spices, handmade noodle

In the pack:

600g 和牛半筋半肉湯, 35g 自製酸菜, 160g 手工Q彈麵 ( 快煮3分鐘)

600g beef soup pack + 35g Mustard cabbage + 160g handmade noodle 


ALLERGEN ADVICE: Contain soy product



Traditional Taiwanese Beef  Noodles made with a half tendon half intercostal slow cooked stew. Simmered slowly in our secret spicy stock for 6 hours so its full and rich flavor of beef throughout every mouthful. We sourcing AACo Wagyu (QLD) and Josdale black angus 100% grass fed (Gippsland, VIC)

Grass fed beef are generally bland in taste, lean with little marbling. But Josdale Black Angus, has consistently produced lean, but yet juicy and tasty high quality beef. Josdale Black Angus is healthy, much lower in fats but packs great taste and suitable for our rendition of the Taiwanese National Dish.

This is the reason why you would find that our cuts less fatty but yet tender, juicy and fresh. We use the intercostal, which allows us to combine the traditional flavours of the Tendons which adds to the texture and healthy gelatinous nature of the soup and whole Wagyu Chunks to create the best of both worlds in a more balanced combined premium overall flavour.

選用澳產黑安格斯或和牛等級的牛肋條及牛筋, 在特製高湯中燉煮6個小時, 搭配著酸菜, 菜頭及紅蘿蔔, 就是一碗讓人回味的台灣傳統牛肉湯麵, 選用的牛肋條比傳統牛腱來的軟嫩飽滿, 而牛筋軟而不爛, 湯頭香醇不膩, 是ommis招牌之一。

Ommis選用澳洲農業公司 ( 全名 AUSTRALIAN AGRICULTURAL COMPANY, 簡稱 AACO), 和牛(QLD)及黑安格斯100%草飼餵(VIC)牛種; 草飼餵牛肉通常味道比較淡, 不太具有大理石花紋, 但Josdale Black Angus 是肉質甜嫩不材的瘦肉、油花分佈細緻, 脂肪含量低很多, 味道卻多汁新鮮, 是我們用心的地方。