
( 限雪梨自取以及冷凍配送 ) 台式滷肉飯350G

( 限雪梨自取以及冷凍配送 ) 台式滷肉飯350G


( 預計20/MAY出貨 ) 圖片僅供參考

In the pack :

350g±10%/pack, keep in freezer -18°c 

- Taiwanese short grain rice 精緻台灣蓬萊米飯

- Pickle 醃黃瓜

- Braise Pork Belly Ragu 古早味經典滷肉燥



Pork belly, shallot, garlic, green onion, ginger, soy sauce, sugar, star anise, five-spice powder, cola, TAHINI, white rice, pickle radish.

豬五花, 紅蔥頭, 蒜頭, 蔥, 薑, 醬油, 糖, 八角, 五香粉, 可樂, 芝麻醬, 米飯, 醃蘿蔔.


Allergen advice :

Contain SESAME, soybean, wheat product.

含有芝麻, 大豆, 麩質食品ㄡ


Reheat instructions:

Microwave (1000W):Peel off a little hole of the sleeve, then microwave for 2-3 mins.

將包裝撕開一小角, 放入微波爐2-3分鐘


Dishes information:

If you're a fan of Taiwanese cuisine, you definitely cannot miss this classic dish Taiwanese braised pork rice. Made with top-quality pork belly, cooked slowly with a secret recipe for the classic braised sauce, every bite is filled with rich and aromatic flavor. You can taste the warm and comforting taste of your hometown in every mouthful of this dish.