
( 限雪梨自取以及冷凍配送 ) 台式鹹酥雞炒飯350G

( 限雪梨自取以及冷凍配送 ) 台式鹹酥雞炒飯350G


( 預計20/MAY出貨 ) 圖片僅供參考

In the pack :

350G±10% /pack, keep in fridge ( 4°c chilled ) for 7 days

- Fried rice 炒飯

- Boneless fried chicken 台式香香雞

- Kimchi 手做泡菜

- Green vegs 綠色蔬菜



Boneless chicken Maryland, soy sauce, buttermilk, dashi, garlic, onion, tapioca starch, flour, cabbage, salt, carrot, radish, ginger, apple, vinegar, sugar, chilli, bean curd, sesame oil, rice, green peas, green bean, broccoli, corn, egg.

雞腿肉, 醬油, 白脫牛奶, 鰹魚粉, 蒜, 洋蔥, 麵粉, 白菜, 鹽, 紅蘿蔔, 白蘿蔔,  薑, 蘋果, 醋, 糖, 辣椒, 香油, 豆腐乳, 米飯, 花椰菜, 青豆, 青豆仁, 玉米, 雞蛋.


Allergen advice :

Contain soybean, dairy, wheat, sesame, egg and fish products.

含有大豆, 奶類, 麩質, 芝麻, 蛋 及 魚類食品.


Reheat instructions:

Microwave (1000W):Peel off a little hole of the cover, then microwave for 3-4 mins.

將包裝撕開一小角, 放入微波爐3-4分鐘


Dishes information:

Based on the classic fried rice, combined with crispy and fragrant chicken made from tender chicken thigh, this dish will make you feel like you're back in Taiwan in just one bite.