喜歡 #福汎抹醬 的你,千萬別錯過 椰香奶酥醬😋

( 限雪梨自取以及冷凍配送 ) 招牌黃金泡菜 Golden Kimchi  350G

( 限雪梨自取以及冷凍配送 ) 招牌黃金泡菜 Golden Kimchi 350G



Cabbage, Salt, carrot, garlic, vinegar, sugar, chilli, bean curd, sesame oil

In the pack:

500g golden kimchi


ALLERGEN ADVICE: Contain sesame and soy product

Our golden kimchi is cultured in our unique way of fermentation. In Taiwan it is also known as opium kimchi because it’s so addictive, once you try it you’ll come back for more. The golden kimchi is made using our spicy bean curd and carrot recipe, after the cabbage has been cured for 6 hours. This technique gives it its unique golden colour while keeping it crisp and fresh. Omni’s Kimchi is also a chef crafted Superfood that has scientifically tested by the lab to be considered a safer and more germ-free compared to other Market Kimchi/sauerkrauts currently on the market.

We only use the best vegetables Australia has to offer for our Golden Kimchi and sourcing sustainability directly from farms we aim to reduce food waste in creating a superfood product which has longer term shelf life for home consumption.

Add it to your daily meals, or eat it on its own. You need to try one of Taiwan’s greatest condiments! 

在台灣, 黃金泡菜又稱鴉片泡菜, 嘗過的人都會著迷於它獨特的風味; 黃金泡菜的發酵源自於腐乳及蘿蔔, 不僅帶來金黃色澤, 再白菜醃漬6個小時後, 清脆的白菜與腐乳的奶油甜香充分融合, 增添了鮮味, 是餐桌上不可少的開胃小菜, 。

我們堅持使用澳洲本地蔬果作為我們的原物料,  不加味精及人工香料, 新鮮經得起考驗, 值得你一嚐的台灣風味小菜。